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Sashimi is a traditional Japanese dish consisting of raw fish or seafood that is thinly sliced ​​and served without additional cooking. This dish is not only a delicacy, but also the perfect way to enjoy fresh, high-quality ingredients in their natural form. In this article, I will share a simple recipe for making sashimi at home.

Sashimi: A refreshing, light and flavorful dish


• Fresh fish or seafood of your choice

• soy sauce

• wasabi

• Pickled ginger

Rice (optional) 


1. Choose your seafood wisely. Choosing the freshest, highest quality fish and seafood for sashimi is essential. Fresh seafood should smell clean and mild and look firm, moist and shiny.  

2. Fish preparation: Clean and fillet the fish or seafood 

3. Slicing fish: Use a sharp knife to slice fish or seafood into thin pieces about 3mm thick. Arrange the slices on the plate in a decorative way 

4. Serve with Condiments: Sashimi is usually served with soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger. You can mix soy sauce and wasabi to taste, or you can dip each slice of fish in soy sauce before eating. 

5. Optional: Serve with rice. If desired, serve steamed rice in a bowl to make a complete meal.  

Enjoying Sashimi is all about the quality of the ingredients  , so choose the freshest fish and seafood whenever possible. Following this simple recipe, you can create delicious and healthy dishes that are sure to impress your guests. Sashimi is a refreshing and light dish that offers a great balance of flavors, textures and aromas.

Whether you want to impress your dinner party or simply enjoy a healthy meal, Sashimi is a great choice.